📢 CPF S7 Daily Incident Report 📢
Date: 22 – 24 April 2022
The following incidents were reported:
* Squatters behind paintball nets at Hobby Park, getting confrontational and threatening the owner. Patrollers responded and SAPS was called.
* Suspicious red car in Raasblaar Street. Driver was describing the house on his phone.
* Suspicious blue Mercedes PWD121GP on the island at Bell Avenue, entrance of Robert Broom.
* Person passed out in vehicle cnr Robert Broom and Lud Hersch. Patrollers responded and escorted him out of area.
* Silver Hilux Legend 45 REG: KHZXGP stolen at Draad Kameel.
* Suspicious dark Polo at 18 Crossberry Street on a neighbour’s driveway where Toyota Hilux was parked inside behind locked gates. Drove off when resident switched on outside lights.
* Two bravo males in Kwartel Road fiddling with a box on the wall.
* Motorbike Crash at Sugarbush robot on Robert Broom. No injuries.
* Radio call from 16 Athlone Road. Patrollers responded. All was in order.
Please report any incidents to SAPS and our CPF office at 072 425 0121 for any assistance and record keeping purposes.
Kind regards, Sector 7 Marketing